[katie lomax]
The lot along E. Middlefield Road has multiple residential structures. The proposed project will split the lot into two separate parcels leaving the apartment building on Parcel 1 with a simple balcony addition and paving modifications. Parcel 2 will be completely redeveloped into 8 condominium units above a parking podium. These 2 story units range from 1,650 SF to 1,750 SF with 3 bedrooms each. These new units will maintain the traditional feel of the neighborhood while bringing a slightly fresher and more modern quality to a developing area and a changing demographic. Tradional uses of stone and stucco will be paired with more contemporary wood siding and will mainatin a somewhat subtle color palette to seemlessly blend with the surrounding neighborhood. This project is currently in Design Development.
Flynn Avenue
8 Townhomes on a Podium
Designer & Job Captain

Portola Valley Residence
New 6,000 SF Single Family Home
Construction Document Support
Located in Portola Valley, this home was designed with the concept of destructivism driving the design. With two stories totaling 6,000 SF, this home has no straight walls and does not follow a homes conventional design. This posed a unique challenge throughout the construction document process and required complex detailing, dimensioning and referencing.

Downtown Mountain View is quickly developing into a more urban hub. This project aims to replace a small single story commercial building and a few apartments with a new 4-story mixed-use structure at the corner of Castro and Fairmont as well as 4 tri-level townhomes along Fairmont and Hope Street. With 8,500 SF of new commercial space, 14 new condominiums, 4 new townhomes and 32,000 SF of underground parking this project aims to encourage the development and liveliness of the downtown area.
GPRV 10, Castro Street
50,000 SF Mixed-Use w/ 30,000 SF Underground Parking
Design Review Support

This single family home was in need of an addition and remodel to provide some much needed updates to the master suite and curb appeal as well as provide more space and an extra bathroom for the visiting grandkids.
Clarkson Residence
Single Family Home Addition & Remodel
Designer & Job Captain
While not a large remodel, this project made great improvements to the master suite, provided a new outdoor shower near the pool, and lightened up the space of the covered outdoor porch.
Nelson Residence
Single Family Home Addition & Remodel
Designer & Job Captain